Updates on Some Writing Projects
Hello friends!
I hope you have had a great week, and are looking forward to a wonderful weekend. These weeks just seem to cycle past in ever-faster momentum!
We’ve been enjoying some absolutely *wonderful* October days here in SE Washington! Bright beautiful sunshine, light breezes, and daytime temps in the low-mid 60s. I was very thankful this last Monday to get our travel trailer RV all winterized. Ruth has been busy working her garden to get it ready for the long winter’s nap, too.
Writing Projects Updates
Seven Essential Daily Prayers, Lesson 4, “Joy in My Spirit”
I’ve been able to make some significant progress on Lesson 4 in the Seven Essential Daily Prayers course, “Joy in My Spirit.” In fact, I woke up this morning with several fresh thoughts I definitely will be including in the outline. I guess my subconscious mind was working on it even while I was asleep! I’m really anxious and excited to get it finished up and post it live online so I can share these insights. I’m neither a prophet nor the son of a prophet, but I love it when I can pass along a “new” concept I’ve just discovered. (I put “new” in “”s because, as Solomon said, there really is nothing *new* under the sun. )
BTW, if you haven’t yet enrolled in the course yet, here’s a link: https://goodlifenews-academy.thinkific.com. Enrollment is . . . easy and free!
Whimsi’s World: Whimsi & The Big Election
When my daughter Kimberly and I published Whimsi & The Big Election as an Amazon Kindle eBook for kids last August, we also planned that we would prepare a paperback edition to be published/released in mid-October. With that goal in mind I started working on the manuscript for the paperback version soon after the first of the month, and was immediately confronted with a much more complicated task than I had previously imagined!
I somehow had the idea that Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) had a utility app that I could just engage by pushing a “go” button, and voila! there would be the new edition all ready to go. Woops! I quickly found out that button/app doesn’t exist! So, I have had to return to the story and prepare a new manuscript page-by-page in MS Word, which will be saved eventually as a .pdf file for the entire book, and then uploaded to KDP for release. Ah, well. Life is full of little challenges and inconveniences. It will get there in due time. As of this writing, I still have to upgrade/replace the digital illustrations so they will look right in the final product. The positive side of all this is that I’ll also be able to go through and upgrade the eBook version illustrations as well. That will result in a better product on that side, too.
Here’s a link to Whimsi’s page on Amazon: Whimsi’s World: Whimsi & The Big Election
I’m anticipating that next week I’ll be able to get these two projects updated and ready to go. Keep your eyes open for the announcements!
Until next time,