
Hello friend!

Welcome to my “Author” website, and a big “Thank you!” for stopping by!

This site is designed to be the hub for various creative offerings I want to share.

I’ll provide links here to places like my author/artist pages on Facebook, and Amazon.com.

Other links are for my pages on Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Goodreads. Some of those I use sparingly, others are more active.

Whenever a new project (i.e. book, article, photo, story, etc.) is ready, I will post a blog announcement to notify folks of the new item. If you would like to receive notice of each new blog entry, please subscribe so your name and address will be on the list for automatic email.

Also, if you feel so inclined, I’d be greatly pleased if you would help pass the word along about all this. My greatest desire is that the influence of my life and ministry will only count for God’s eternal Kingdom. If you are willing to be part of my “team” for that purpose, by all means feel free to share the link to this site or to any of the other websites you enjoy.

Thanks again! May you know His presence in your life today!

Yours . . . and His,

Loren L Fenton, Author